SAVASANA translates as corpse pose
If you practise no other poses in the week, make time for this one! It is the final guide in our pose of the month series.
Coming into Savasana
Lie on the back with the knees bent up initially. Align the centre of the forehead, chin, sternum, navel and pubis in one line.
Extend the legs one by one and again with the legs and feet close together, and in line, before releasing the legs and feet.
Take both hands to the back of the skull and draw the back of the skull away from the shoulders to gently lengthen the back of the neck.

‘Hug’ the arms across your chest to bring space to the back chest then, without disturbing the chest, place the arms slightly away from the body, palms facing upwards.

Being in Savasana
Close eyes and consciously relax each and every part of the body including the mind by autosuggestion.
Breathe normally with full awareness.
Make the breath smooth, soft and effortless.
Keep mind passive and watch the breath without taking any active part in the breathing process.
Allow mind to descend towards the heart with each inhalation and exhalation.
During the asana do not go to sleep. Be fully aware of the breath and relaxed state of the body and mind.
Maintain the pose and breath normally. Aim to stay comfortably for at least 5 minutes, extending this over time to 8-10 minutes. Slowly be aware of all body parts and open the eyes gently.

Not able to relax within the first minute or two due to an achy back?
a) Try adding a blanket under the head and neck as shown.
b) Still not able to relax, add a bolster or pillow under the thighs
c) Go for prone savasana as shown

Benefits of Savasana
Gives total body relaxation reducing the basal metabolic rate, pulse rate and blood pressure to leave you refreshed.
Helps with insomnia, high blood pressure, tachycardia and hyper thyroidism. Also, stress related conditions such as asthma, diabetes, peptic ulcer, colitis and angina.
If you have any questions about this pose, then please ask your teacher.
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