Here at Yoga on Tay, we have compiled all our Pose of the Month guides for 2022 to create a Practice of the Year sequence for you.
The full set of 12 poses from our Level 2 Pose of the Month guides makes a great sequence, suitable for Level 2 and above. If you are new to Iyengar Yoga, there is also a Level 1 Practice of the Year sequence available.
These 12 poses form a balanced practice and should be followed in order. Actions from one pose will help you in the next pose.
You can take as long or as little time in each pose. The full instructions and modifications are available in the pose of the month guides in the Tips and Resources section of our website.
The full sequence is available to download now or follow the images below.

Poses in the Practice of the Year Sequence Level 2.
January Suyra Namaskara view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
February Adho Mukha Vrksasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
March Adho Mukha Svanasana (ropes version) view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
April Supta Padangusthasana 2 view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
May Parivrtta Trikonasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
June Bhekasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
July Backward Extension to the Wall view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
August Parsva Uttanasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
September Uttanasana (with head support) view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
October Sirsasana (with leg variations) view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
November Sarvangasana (with leg variations) view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
December Savasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
How to use the Practice of the Year Level 2
The 12 pose sequence has been created as a balanced practice and should be followed in order. You can however use the timings or number of repetitions that you do as a way of varying things to achieve different overall effect of the sequence.
Length of hold and the number of times you go into the pose are up to you. Repetitions of asanas except Sirsasana ( headstand) and Sarvangasana ( Shoulderstand) can help you fine tune your awareness and feel what is happening as you go in and out of the pose.
Pose of the Month Guides
Hearing the instructions
There are detailed instructions for each of the 12 poses in our Pose of the Month Guides. You may find it useful to have a friend or family member read these out to you when you are practicing, especially the key actions in the pose. These are the kind of instructions your teacher will give in class and it can be helpful to hear them when you are in the pose. If there's no one around, you can always record a voice memo on your phone and play it back.
Benefits of the Pose
Each of our Pose of the Month Guides includes the benefits of each pose. These will help you understand how the pose (asana) can help you and what you are looking to achieve in the pose or how you can expect to feel after being in the pose.
For example practicing Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose) brings tone to the legs and strengthens the spine and tummy. This in turn can relieve tightness in the back. It generally improves metabolism, balance and concentration and done well this pose can stimulate and activate the following organs liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas. Read the full guide to Parivrtta Trikonasana here.
Level 1 Practice of the Year
We also have a Level 1 Practice of the Year made up from 12 Level 1 poses, all with their own Pose of the Month guides to help you break the pose down into key actions and practice safely in the pose.

This Level 1 sequence as a downloadable PDF for you.
List of Poses in the Practice of the Year Sequence Level 1.
January Tadasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
February Trikonasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
March Parsvakonasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
April Ardha Chandrasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
May Chaturanga Dandasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
June Urdha Mukha Svanasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
July Badda Konasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
August Upavista Konasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
September Bharadvajasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
October Setubandha Sarvangasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
November Salamba Sarvangasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
December Savasana view the full Pose of the Month Guide here.
Sanskrit Name of the Pose
In Iyengar Yoga, we use the Sanskrit names of the poses but also offer a translation in each of our Pose of the Month guides eg Adho Mukha Svanasana is Downward Facing Dog pose.
Use of the Sanskrit names can feel daunting and a little bamboozling at first but with a few key words under your belt, you may start to appreciate the accuracy that the Sanskrit names offers and reveal some of the links and connections between poses and families of poses eg Sarvangasana.
Each of our 12 Pose of the month guides includes a translation of the Sanskrit Name of the Pose for you.
Get in touch
If you have any questions regarding the sequence, please ask your teacher in class or get in touch with us here at Yoga on Tay.